Have you ever been to the Liberty Bell? why not? Iwill tell you a little bit about it. The Liberty Bell is a symbol of American independence. I think you should visit the Liberty Bell because there is plenty of history and you can see the bell whitch was cracked because it was old. The Liberty Bell is located in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. The Liberty Bell is a bell that hold lots of history. It rung on special days and more. The Liberty Bell is very historical.
Have you ever been Ellis Island? You should! I am going to tell you a little bit about it and maybe you will go. Ellis island is a place that when immigrants wanted to come to the U.S. they had to go through it. The immigrants were checked if they were sick and if they were they would be sent back to where they came from. If they weren't they could stay. Also about 40% of Americans can trace their family history back to Ellis Island. Ellis Island is located in New York close to The Statue Of Liberty. I think you should go to Ellis Island because first of all if someone that was related to you went through that you could trace that and because there is allot of history there. Ellis island is full of history am I think you could learn new things and teach others.
Have you ever seen the statue of liberty? Well why dont you? I will tell you a little bit about the Statue Of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of France to the people of the United States and is a symbol of of freedom and democracy. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886. The Statue of Liberty was designed as a national monument in 1994 and restored for her centennial on July 4th 1986. The statue of liberty is located in New York on the New York Harbor near Ellis Island. I think you should go there because there is allot of history and you can see all the historical things outside. For ex: you can see Ellis Island.